Conserving water is very important. For one, it can save you a bundle of money, but more importantly, it will help keep pollution out of the local water supply. Below are some great ways you can conserve water in your home and save a lot of money while doing so.
- Leaks – One very simple way to save water is to check your pipes in the home for leaks. If you cannot check them yourself, hire a professional plumber to come check them. A leaking faucet can waste up to 20 gallons of water in just one day.
- Wash With Full Loads – When you do multiple small loads of wash, you are wasting thousands of gallons of water in just one year. When you only wash laundry when you have a full load, it will be one of the best water conserving methods you can use.
- Water Meter – Learn how to use your water meter for water consumption and conservation. If you see the readings changing a lot only after a couple of hours of the water not being used, you probably have a leak in your home.
- Take Care of the Toilet – Never use your toilet as a garbage can. Many people like to toss trash in the toilet and flush it away. Every time you flush the toilet with trash, you are wasting seven gallons of water. Throw your trash in the garbage can and leave the toilet for your personal needs.
- Shower Heads – Today, shower heads are specially designed to conserve water. These can be purchased at most local hardware stores, and they save immense amounts of water every year.
- Taking a Shower – Another great way to save money is to only take showers when you have to wash off. Start the shower when you are ready to get in, and don’t just sit and let the water run while you go off to do other things. If you limit your shower time to four minutes, you can save about 40 galls of water a day.
- Running Faucets – Many people leave their bathroom faucets running the entire time they are brushing their teeth. This is a big waste of water. When you wet your toothbrush, turn the water off to keep water consumption down.
- Refrigerated Water – Many people run their tap water for a while to get cold drinking water. Instead, fill up a pitcher of water and leave it in the refrigerator to have nice cold water when you want it.
- Wrap Pipes – When it is cold outside, you can save a lot of money by insulating your pipes. Insulation for pipes can be found at most home improvement stores. Insulating the pipes allows you to get hot water faster so that you are not wasting water running down the drain waiting for it to heat up.
- Shaving – Instead of leaving the water in the sink running to clean your razor; fill your sink up about two inches with water and clean it in the sink. This will do a lot to help cut down on water consumption.
By using some of the water saving tips mentioned above, you can help conserve water and save a lot of money on your water bill.